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East Coast Dyes Mirage

East Coast Dyes Mirage

The Mirage is built for the perfect pocket. We applied knowledge gained through years of stringing and used cutting edge 3D printing technology to test and fine-tune our design. Every angle, string hole, and curve was specifically designed to build a perfect pocket, making the Mirage perfect for the elite offensive player.

Built to String
The Mirage’s narrow face shape and aggressive flare allow you to perfectly control the tension of your pocket for a smooth, consistent channel. Precise string hole placement and the gradual bottom rail design make it ideal for any mid to mid-low pocket.
Built to Perform
By adding support where you need it and eliminating excess material, we made a lightweight and strong head, perfect for fast shots, sharp passes, and supreme control.
Built to Last
The Mirage is made with the finest impact grade, UV resistant material. This material was specifically selected for its characteristics that allow it to withstand the abuse and ferocity of the modern game.
**Made in the USA**
We take great pride in manufacturing high quality products in the US.
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